Patrick Ladonis

Patrick Ladonis

Where the misalignment came from, because DEI is not just a buzzword, is I think people were looking for a quick fix. Or ‘let’s throw all this money to it, and I’m sure we’ll be able to fix.’- Well, the failure of DEI and its being woven into the blueprinted infrastructure of organizations is that it’s a forever commitment. It’s not just, oh, it’s not like a product you create, and you can have it on the shelves in 6 months. It’s something that you have to- once you start to implement it, it is something that you have to practice and continue for the- the longevity of the company.

Appears in 1 Episode

From code switching to House Hunters feat. Patrick Ladonis

Watch the recording for PFLAG Los Angeles Presents: Trans and Nonbinary Joy ✨This week, Patrick Ladonis (he/him) shares how he shifted from fear to freedom when he cam...

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